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Didn’t Get Your Dream ATAR? We’ve Got You!

12 December 2024Written by Tess Abraham
At AIT we understand that creatives see the world differently. That’s why we accept students based on more than just your ATAR score.
AIT Syd rooms 2023 by Homepix Photography 0266

AIT offers creative degrees in 3D Animation, Film, Game Design, 2D Animation and Information Technology, and we understand that to be a creative powerhouse you don’t necessarily need to ace your end of year exams. Creatives excel in a different way, and at AIT we provide a platform where you can do just that. We care more about your passion, interest and skill, as these factors are what lead to success in the creative industries.

Feeling disheartened by your recent exam scores? Don’t be!

There are many reasons why traditional style exams may not accurately assess your knowledge.

1. Exams are too infrequent to develop the skills and knowledge necessary.

Exams generally occur only twice a year and only in your final two years of schooling. This means that students often do not have the skills required to sit an exam for each particular subject.
The structure of secondary education results in ‘cramming’ and this process often results in losing the knowledge immediately after the exam. This form of sporadic engagement is an inefficient way of learning and can result in poor exam results.

2. Exams are stressful.

Test anxiety and stress is extremely common, with 15-22% of students displaying extreme test and exam anxiety. This level of anxiety can trigger the ‘fight or flight response’ which results in rapid heart rate, sweating, hyperventilating and can trigger panic. These responses greatly inhibit the student’s ability to perform well under pressure.

3. Traditional exams do not assess many skills that contribute to success.

Traditional exams generally have approximately 60% memorisation and replication style questions. These questions rely on ‘rote learning’ and often do not assess different types of intelligence that lead to greater future success. 

While exams can measure ‘analytical skills’ they often do not measure skills in creativity, ethics or practical skills. These more adaptive skills are believed to greatly contribute to ‘successful intelligence’ and are essential for overall career success. 


There are many factors that can result in not getting your dream ATAR, but not to worry. At AIT, we offer courses in the creative fields and we are happy to have a chat about our entry requirements at any time. You can also apply for our courses right here on the website, or use the details below to get in touch with our course advisors. 

Imagine a creative college where you can pursue your dreams in 2D animation, 3D animation, film, game design, IT or mobile app development.

Find out more about AIT and our courses by visiting our connect page and choosing your own adventure. Talk to someone about your study options, book a campus tour and have a look around, chat with a current AIT student or get started on your application. 

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