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Policies & Procedures

Policy Type
Education Policies Academic Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Policy Link
Academic Freedom Policy Link
Academic Governance Policy Link
AIT Organisation Chart Link
Academic Integrity Policy Link
Academic Quality, Total Quality Management and Continuous Improvement Policy Link
VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure Link
VET Assessment Policy Link
Child Safety Policy Link
Code of Conduct – Online Delivery Link
Assessment Policy (Higher Education) Link
Academic Progression Policy (Higher Education) Link
Library Loans Policy Link
Course Discontinuance (Withdrawal), and Teach-out Policy; (Higher Education) Link
Managing Course Discontinuance – VET Student Loans (VSL) Policy Link
Student Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy (SASH) Link
NextEd Student Code of Conduct Policy Link
Student Services Policies Non-Award Enrolments – Terms and Conditions Link
NextEd Group Access and Equity Policy Link
Admissions and Enrolment Policy Link
Formal Complaint/Appeal Form Link
Application For Course Credit Link
Terms and Conditions of Enrolment exclusively for courses delivered through the Open Learning portal Link
Withdrawal, Refund, Complaints and Appeals Policy for courses delivered through the Open Learning portal Link
Change of Enrolment Policy & Procedure (Higher Education) Link
Course Extension, Deferral, Transfer Policy Link
NextEd Group Critical Incident Policy Link
Department of Education – International Student Fact Sheet Link
Fees, Cancellation, Withdrawals and Refunds Policy Link
Student Financial Hardship Payment Plans Policy & Procedure Link
Graduation and Awards Issuance and Eligibility Policy Link
Recrediting a VET Student Loan (VSL) or FEE-HELP Balance Link
NextEd Group Internet and Email Usage Policy Link
NextEd U18 Student Management and Supervision Policy Link
Higher Education RPL and Credit Transfer Credit Policy Link
VET Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure Link
Code of Conduct – Online Delivery Link
NextEd Group Student Support Policy Link
Transition of Training Packages and Accredited Courses Policy Link
VET Student Loan Application Procedure Link
Support for Students Policy Link
Other Policies Website Privacy Policy Link
NextEd Group Privacy and Data Protection Policy Link
Group Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Policy Link
NSW International Student Arrival Pilot Policy Link
Standard Terms and Conditions Standard Terms and Conditions Link
Unique Student Identifier (USI) Privacy Notice Unique Student Identifier (USI) Privacy Notice Link