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Student Showcase

AIT is proud of the work our talented students and staff do. Take a look at some of the industry quality work that they have produced. Student Work: ‘Fractus Mundi’ by Aaron Wilkinson, Alessandro Scanu, Gracelyn ‘Bonnie’ Holmes and Ema Blaskovic.

Student Hall of Fame

Every year, AIT’s students win or are short-listed in global creative industry awards. These awards are not just students competing against students, these are awards recognising global creative industry professionals working in the field. We know how much a badge of honour like this next to your name can open doors, so we help you all the way from entering your work to popping the champagne.

Awards and recognition

Finalist at Australian Effects & Animation Festival (AEAF).
Jeff and Henry

Student: Nathan Myihtoi and Matthew Deligeorges

Study stream: 2D Animation

Finalist at Australian Effects & Animation Festival (AEAF).
The Call of Caelum

Student: Natasha Perrett, Dominique Eichenberger, James Dickson, Tony Phan, Isaac Biala and Joshua Romero

Study stream: 2D Animation

Finalist at Australian Effects & Animation Festival (AEAF).
Iron Knight

Student: Talish McKenzie

Study stream: 2D Animation

BRONZE Winner at Australian Effects & Animation Festival (AEAF).
Operation: Recess

Student: James Dickson, Tiffany Kho, Crystal Thurley & Vy V Dinh Ngoc

Study stream: 2D Animation

SILVER Winner at Australian Effects & Animation Festival (AEAF).

Student: Martin Hornak

Study stream: 3D Animation

Finalist at Australian Effects & Animation Festival (AEAF).
Bunny Bug

Student: Rosa Pallone and Shristy Shrestha

Study stream: 3D Animation

2021 BRONZE Winner at Australian Effects & Animation Festival (AEAF).

Student: Nathalia Andrade Da Silva and Gabor Vermes

Study stream: Information Technology

Finalist at Australian Effects & Animation Festival (AEAF).
.Magnet Game Teaser Trailer

Student: Andrew Clark

Study stream: Game Design

Finalist at Australian Effects & Animation Festival (AEAF).
Social Surfer

Student: Chole Lambley, Jack Nicholls, Jeremy Abood & Hai Nam Phung

Study stream: 2D Animation

Student Work Gallery

View work in:


    AIT’s annual ‘.Motion’ student showcase is a red carpet event where we honour the best work from our talented filmmakers and animators.

    It is attended by The Australian Production Design Guild, The Australian Cinematography Society, The Australian Screen & Sound Guild, Australian Directors Guild, Australian Writers Guild and more along with star-studded artists from within the industry. Imagine your work up on the big screen with your family and friends around you watching, your talents being clocked by studio owners – you wouldn’t be the first student to get an offer of work at .Motion. Student work: Shaleise-Rose Leishman.



    Not sure what to explore next? Visit our connect page and choose your own adventure. Talk to someone about your study options, book a campus tour and have a look around, chat with a current AIT student or get started on your application.